TCG Anadolu Begins first training exercises in Marmara Sea


Türkiye’s first amphibious assault ship, the LHD Anad- olu, officially named TCG Anadolu, has begun training exercises under the supervision of the Ministry of National Defense and the Naval Forces Command. The Ministry of National Defense (MSB) announced that the personnel aboard the TCG Anadolu conducted “Forward Safety Training” in the Marmara Sea.

In  a  social  media  post regarding the first train- ing exercise, the Ministry announced, “Our personnel aboard the TCG ANADOLU conducted ‘Advanced Safety Training’ in the Marmara Sea.” TCG Anadolu boasts an array of impressive features. The ship will measure 231 meters in length and 32 meters in width, with a max- imum full-load displace- ment of 27,436 tons. At full load, it will achieve a max- imum speed of 20.5 knots and an economic speed of 16 knots. The vessel will have a range of at least 9,000 nauti- cal miles at economic speed and full load.

The ship’s well deck will accommodate four LCM vessels (Mechanized Landing Ships), each carrying one tank. The vehicle decks will have the capacity to transport a total of 94 vehicles, includ- ing 13 tanks, 27 Armored Amphibious Assault Vehicles (ZAHA), 6 Armored Personnel Carriers (ZPT), 33 various vehicles, and 15 trailers.

The flight deck can accommodate a total of 10 helicopters or 50 unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The ship will have a personnel capacity of 1,223 and will be equipped with a fully-func- tional hospital and two operating rooms.

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